An SDA-populated select list is used to pick a state and SSA which enables creation of a "Hydric Soils Report" based upon those selections. The data is not static; it hits Soil Data Access Live. To reset the table hit F5 on the keyboard. Once a survey is selected and table appears, if a new survey is selected it will append to the table at the bottom.
For more information about the table,
Area_Symbol: A symbol that uniquely identifies a single occurrence of a particular type of area (e.g. Dane Co., Wisconsin is WI025).
Area_Name: The name given to the specified geographic area.
mukey: A non-connotative string of characters used to uniquely identify a record in the Mapunit table.
Mapunit_SYM: The symbol used to uniquely identify the soil mapunit in the soil survey.
Mapunit_Name: Correlated name of the mapunit (recommended name or field name for surveys in progress).
Comp_Name_phase: Component name - Name assigned to a component based on its range of properties. Local Phase - Phase criterion to be used at a local level, in conjunction with "component name" to help identify a soil component.
muacres: The number of acres of a particular mapunit.
Comp_RV_Pct: The percentage of the component of the mapunit.
majcompflag: Indicates whether or not a component is a major component in the mapunit.
Comp_Acres: The number of acres of a particular component in a mapunit. ((muacres*comppct_r)/100)
Comp_Landform: A word or group of words used to name a feature on the earth's surface, expressed in the plural form. Column Physical
Hydric_Rating: A yes/no field that indicates whether or not a map unit component is classified as a "hydric soil". If rated as hydric, the specific criteria met are listed in the Component Hydric Criteria table.
Hydric_criteria: Criterion code for the soil characteristic(s) and/or feature(s) that cause the map unit component to be classified as a "hydric soil." These codes are the paragraph numbers in the hydric soil criteria publication.
All Histels except Folistels and Histosols except Folists; or
Map unit components in Aquic suborders, great groups, or subgroups, Albolls suborder, Historthels great group, Histoturbels great group, or Andic, Cumulic, Pachic, or Vitrandic subgroups that:
Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or
Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil;
Map unit components that are frequently ponded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season that:
Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or
Show evidence that the soil meets the definition of a hydric soil; or
Map unit components that are frequently flooded for long duration or very long duration during the growing season that:
Based on the range of characteristics for the soil series, will at least in part meet one or more Field Indicators of Hydric Soils in the United States, or
Show evidence that the soils meet the definition of a hydric soil.